Региональный журнал для деловых кругов Дальнего Востока
Вторник| 04 Февраля, 05:53 |
Тема номера
Welcome to PrimRing
The auto boom started in this area in mid-nineties when Russian entrepreneurs began importing auto vehicles from Japan. The Japanese cars conquered the far eastern market fast. Presently the majority of vehicles riding along the streets of Vladivostok are of the Japanese origin, but more and more European and American auto manufacturers open their dealerships in the region, there emerge auto assembling plants.
Auto sales and auto industry gave a stimulus to Auto and Moto sports that develop rapidly here. People of Vladivostok are real worshippers of cars and bikes. Unfortunately, presently in Primorsky Region like in all Far Eastern Russia there’s the lack of conditions for the training of sportsmen and conducting of competitions of international level.
It’s worth to mention that only 4 circuit autodromes function at a moment in Russia: “Moscow Raceway”,»Smolenskoye Ring», city of Smolensk, western part of Russia, «Nizhegorodskoye Ring», city of Nizhny Novgorod, central part of Russia, «Krasnoye Ring», city of Krasnoyarsk, Siberia. Recently the construction of «Sibirskoye Ring» has started in the city of Novosibirsk, Siberia. It is quite reasonable that the next autodrome «Primorskoye Ring» (PrimRing) should be constructed in Vladivostok - the eastern part of Russia.
The idea of the «PrimRing» project is to create a modern sports and technological complex for teaching and training of sportsmen, first of all, teen-agers and young people. In future it will allow them to become racers of the world class. No doubt that the availability of tracks and other facilities will contribute to the safety of racing will raise up the auto sports culture.
The autodrome is intended for conducting regional, national and international competitions in 18 disciplines - 3 asphalt and 15 off-road. The complex will include 9 tracks and will correspond to the category 2 (FIA classification).
The technical specifications of the tracks suppose the all-year round usage, including ice racing in winter season. The capacity of stands of all types is about 30.000 spectators. The autodrome is supposed to be open for amateurs, anybody will have a chance to test himself and his car. Rent subscription system will make the tracks attractive for all auto owners.
The autodrome is located on the plot of 78 Ha in the vicinity of Vladivostok. The location is suitable for the Primorsky region residents and for the guests. It is a cross-road of the major highways and can provide an easy access for sportsmen and for spectators.
The initiator of the project is Sumotori Machinery Group, the biggest Russian Far Eastern technological holding company.
The design was worked out by the German engineering and architect company - Tilke Gmbh & Co KG,(the designer of the international tracks including F1 in Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Germany, Bahrain) and Apex Cicuit Design, Ltd, UK. On May, 2nd/ 2011 the design of the circuit was approved by FIA. In April 2011 the first excavators and dozers came to the plot to start preliminary work.
The first off-Road tracks (motoX) has been finished in October,2011 and is in operation now, asphalt tracks (FIA standard) will be finished in coming spring. The Project will be totally completed by Year 2015. Hopefully it will be integrated into the international sports activity and will contribute much to the development of auto sports in Russia and in Asia-Pacific.
Besides being just a sports facility PrimRing is supposed to become a destination, a kind of a family place for recreation and amusement with the hotels, restaurants, outlets for shopping, showrooms for vehicles and accessories, race simulators and BarBQ -sites.
Sumotori Machinery Group: Welcome to PrimRing, Enjoy the Natural Power!
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